Answers to your questions

Do we go through the course alone? What if we have questions?

No you are not in this alone I will be with you every step of the way we will have monthly coaching calls and a private group where you can ask questions .

How will this training help me?

Do you like making money ? This training will help you understand how to start your business from scratch and make it profitable with marketing and automations. You will learn the step-by-step process on what Pressure does to make each of his business ventures profitable. This information can be used in any industry rather your business is online or offline.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

Since this is knowledge-based coaching program and knowledge cannot be reversed once learned, this course is NON-REFUNDABLE. No exceptions.

When Does this course start

Enrollment/Registration opens up on March 24th, 2023 at 4:00 Pm EST. This 12 month online coaching program will start April 15th student portal will be available at 10:00 am Est. The lessons will be dropped weekly to prevent you from skipping lessons.

When will the next coaching program be?

We may start a new program every year once the previous students have graduated.

Who Is This Program for?

This program is for anyone who is looking to start a business and make it profitable it doesn't matter what industry you are in.

Do I need to have an existing business already?

No this program will show you how to build a business from scratch and make it profitable.

Will we receive certificates at the end of this program?

Great question yes you will everyone who completes the program will receive a certificate.

Does this program guarantee results?

Although we have helped hundreds of people and had tons of success stories. It would be illegal to guarantee you any specific results. But what i will say is if you don't do anything to change your life you are most likely guaranteed to be in the same place in life 10 years from now and neither of us want that.

Do I have to show up to class at a specific time?

No you do not have to log in to your training at a specific time each day. However, I expect you to dedicate at least 3-5 hours per week to this training. Modules will be released every monday at 10:00am Est. You will receive an email notification letting you know that you may log in and access the current weeks module.

Is this training online or in person?

This training is exclusively online (you can always login by goin back to

How quickly can I apply this information?

You can apply the information in this training instantly to start seeing results

Is there an email list that I can join to stay updated on future trainings?

Yes, there is. You may click on the waitlist button on this website to opt- in to receive email notifications on future trainings.

How long do I have access to Pressure Circle Membership?

You have a year of access to the coaching program which is plenty of time. I want to help people create 6 figure a year and up businesses and I need individuals who are consistent and ready to take action. If that is not you then I would not sign up for this Training.